Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /app/view/index_view.php on line 89

GeoIP & IP Reputation

Enter an IP address to get detailed geolocation and reputation information.

Warning: Undefined variable $countryCode in /app/view/index_view.php on line 172

About IP

Warning: Undefined variable $isp in /app/view/index_view.php on line 187

Warning: Undefined variable $org in /app/view/index_view.php on line 193

Warning: Undefined variable $as in /app/view/index_view.php on line 199
NETWORK193.149.64.0 -
DESCTo report suspected security issues specific to traffic emanating from Microsoft online services, including the distribution of malicious content or other illicit or illegal material through a Microsoft online service, please submit reports to: * https://cert.microsoft.com. For SPAM and other abuse issues, such as Microsoft Accounts, please contact: * abuse@microsoft.com. To report security vulnerabilities in Microsoft products and services, please contact: * secure@microsoft.com. For legal and law enforcement-related requests, please contact: * msndcc@microsoft.com For routing, peering or DNS issues, please contact: * IOC@microsoft.com
IP Réputation

Warning: Undefined variable $currently_blacklisted_count in /app/view/index_view.php on line 259
Not currently blacklist

Warning: Undefined variable $blacklisted_count in /app/view/index_view.php on line 271
Never been blacklist

Warning: Undefined variable $reputation in /app/view/index_view.php on line 280
Warning: Undefined variable $country in /app/view/index_view.php on line 287

Warning: Undefined variable $countryCode in /app/view/index_view.php on line 287
Warning: Undefined variable $region in /app/view/index_view.php on line 293

Warning: Undefined variable $regionName in /app/view/index_view.php on line 293
Warning: Undefined variable $city in /app/view/index_view.php on line 297

Warning: Undefined variable $zip in /app/view/index_view.php on line 297

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