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About IP (

ISP Bursabil Teknoloji A.S.
ORG Sahinnetwork Int. Bil. HIZ
AS AS60721 Bursabil Teknoloji A.S.
NETWORK45.136.104.0 -
DESCSAHINNETWORK INTERNET VE BILISIM HIZMETLERI Sirketimiz, kanun geregi, "YER SAGLAYICI" konumundadir Kanun No. 5651 - MADDE 5(1) Yer saglayici icerigi kontrol etmek veya hukuka aykiri bir faaliyetin soz konusu olup olmadigini arastirmakla yukumlu degildir. ****************** ENGLISH ******************* Abuse Mail : This IP block is used for web hosting, dedicated and co-located servers. In case of spam, please only deal with originator IP only. DO NOT DEAL WITH THE WHOLE IP BLOCK ********************************************* ****************** TURKCE ******************* Abuse Mail : Bu ip blogu web hosting,kiralik sunucu ve co-location (barindirma) hizmetleri icin kullanilmaktadir. Ip adreslerimizden spam gonderimi yapilirsa lutfen sadece gonderim yapan ip adresi ile ilgili islem yapiniz. LUTFEN TUM IP BLOGU ILE ILGILI ISLEM YAPMAYINIZ *********************************************
IP Réputation
Not currently blacklist
Never been blacklist
Good réputation
Country Turkey - TR
Region 16 - Bursa Province
City Bursa - 16090

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